You may not know this but, Southern California is one of the main cultural hot spots of Jiu Jitsu activity – plenty of competitions, training partners, and black belt instructors are saturating Orange County’s Jiu Jitsu. Which is amazing for the sport and for the practitioners.
But why would any one want to invest their precious time on learning how to roll on the ground with random sweaty people? Well it is much more complex than just that – much like Chess, Jiu Jitsu is a mental exercise just as much as a physical one. Learning to stay calm under pressure, letting your ego be squashed, and getting out of your comfort zone. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gets the nickname “Human Chess” because of the plethora of techniques used for take downs, sweeps, and submissions. Learning these are much more helpful than most other sports.
Another great benefit of learning Jiu Jitsu is the physical shape you get into. During class, learning the techniques takes your mind off the physical challenge of actually doing it – helping to create a fun work out. Get your body in the great shape and learn how to use it through Jiu Jitsu!
And probably the most important benefit of Jiu Jitsu: Self Defense. Learning how to fall and get back up properly may actually save your life, this can not be understated. Many people talk about how “Jiu Jitsu saved my life” and they are correct! Whether in a fight or just falling of a skateboard, knowing how to defend your self from dangerous situations is vital to your confidence. Better to learn in preparation than to learn after an altercation. Nothing will beat actual time spent on the mat.
Watch this video if you are want more information on the benefits of Jiu Jitsu