Our Kids Jiu Jitsu program in Orange County has been growing, and a lot of these children have become disciplined, more confident in themselves, and are having fun learning the art of jiu jitsu! Children learn through Jiu Jitsu how to handle loss and learn from mistakes all while learning real world self defense techniques. When kids face adversity, too often we see parents “baby” them, ultimately creating an undesired feedback loop where the child develops “whiny baby” attributes. When they face adversity and keep their chin up, they are learning real world skills and are ultimately rewarded in Jiu Jitsu class with stripes and eventual belt promotions. So, keep them in jiu jitsu / sports, keep them competing, and keep allowing them to grow!
During this first week of October, Six of our students here at Gracie Barra Costa Mesa were promoted to Grey-White Belt – a huge step up in terms of status, competition rank, and overall self esteem. These kids have all grown as individuals yet are even more part of our team and family. So, great work to all of our students for the drive to keep going when the going gets tough, and to those who earned belt promotions!